Design for Hybrid Agile Adoption (DH2A)
By Steven Bonacorsi
I found Mr. Venkatatesh's book "Design for Hybrid Agile Adoption" DH2A extremely valuable in guiding practitioners through the subtle differences and intricacies in delivering successful and rapid Agile Software Development projects in a distributed environment. The guidance provided in the DH2A methodology, should be on every agilest bookshelf.
I first met the Founder of DH2A Institute, Upadrista Venkatesh, on the LinkedIn Lean Six Sigma Group open forum discussions. I am the owner of the Lean Six Sigma group with over 100,000 members. We shared numerous discussions around Agile Development across various approaches, such as SCRUM, Featured Driven Development (FDD), Lean Development (LD), Extreme Programming (XP), and others.
I am one of the first 50 to sign the Agile Manifesto and have applied mixed best practices across numerous agile approaches. This also has allowed me to experience the many similarities and differences, as well as the various strengths and weaknesses. I hope you will find my review helpful in providing a thoughtful synopsis of the distributed agile approach "DH2A", and the value you will gain in including this gap-closing book, as part of your software development leadership toolset.
Design for Hybrid Agile Adoption (DH2A) is a methodology defined to execute Agile software development projects within a distributed environment. Its birth as a best practice Agile Development approach was born out of a need to achieve cost savings by distributing the teams, while still achieving the superior benefits of Agile. Design for Hybrid Agile Adoption (DH2A) revolves around guidelines of managing people, processes and tools. There is also a direct maturity model in that the more DH2A processes are adopted, the more control over the project is gained. The more DH2A compliant tools are adopted, the more productivity is achieved.
Each chapter of the Design for Hybrid Agile Adoption (DH2A) clearly outlines Key Points, Exercises using a scenario approach, as well as answers that test how well the knowledge of each chapter is transferred. The author provides graphics and charts, tables and tool examples, statistics and data captures from collected research,, allowing the reader to compare and contrast their own teams progress as they mature in their efficiency (speed), effectiveness (quality), and costs (lower customer price).
The Agile Manifesto (Agilest subscribe to these four values) - Individuals and Interactions over processes and tools - Working software over comprehensive documentation - Customer collaboration over contract negotiation - Responding to change over following a plan
Now this does not mean that Agilest do not believe in processes and tools, just that we believe in Individuals and Interactions more. So we create environments where we collaborate in the software development project to deliver working software every day. Now it doesn't say every day above, but that is what we strive for, at least today.
We do believe in comprehensive documentation but not at the expense of delivering working software. Agilest see documentation as a feature, and prioritizes its delivery, just like any other feature to be delivered in the software development. We strongly acknowledge that collaboration with the customer is critical to meeting their needs and expectations, the customer is part of the Agile Team and our success is the customer's success.
We recognize that customer requirements will change, that we do not need to destroy our relationship with endless contract negotiation, and that customer collaboration is essential to our mutual success. Therefore, we are flexible to change, and respond quickly. It's is not that we do not believe in planning, we understand that a plan is a model, and that all models are wrong, but some are useful. A useful plan to Agilest is one that is flexible to the changes that will occur.
The Design for Hybrid Agile Adoption (DH2A) methodology is broken into 4 main segments. The Appraisal, Estimation, Planning, and Implementation segments, next the roles and responsibilities of the DH2A community are defined to provide the structure and guidance across the Enterprise Project Management Office (E-PMO). Each management function is explored including Integration, Communication, Financial, Resource, Technology, Risk, and Quality. Nine Functions of the Enterprise Project Management Office (E-PMO) are discussed in Chapter 10, and an entire chapter to Office Governance, including Office audits, Compliance audits, Stochastic Audits, and Administrative Audits. The author walks the reader through the entire E-DH2A (Enterprise Design for Hybrid Agile Adoption) implementation framework, including resources and reference for further aide.
In summary, if you have ever worked on an Agile software development project, you know the importance of face-to-face communication. Having both business and IT Professionals collaborating together in the same room can become the critical success factor to your project. After reading the Design for Hybrid Agile Adoption (DH2A) book, you will be able to master these 10 objectives.
1. Assess your project's capability in adopting the Design for Hybrid Agile Adoption (DH2A) methodology.
2. Know how to apply the tools to determine whether your project will achieve the benefits promised by the DH2A methodology.
3. Learn how the DH2A Methodology solves the traditional problem of Agile to estimate in a fixed price model.
4. Calculate the ratio of resources divided between different distributed locations.
5. Leverage Design for Hybrid Agile Adoption (DH2A) tools to adopt the different Engineering Practices in a Distributed environment.
6. Apply collaboration techniques to make distributed Agile successful.
7. Use metrics to measure success of your distributed Agile projects.
8. Know which types of meetings are needed to make Agile successful in a distributed environment.
9. Assign the roles to make distributed Agile successful and to avoid redundant roles currently existing in many of today's Agile methodologies.
10. Be able to rollout The Design for Hybrid Agile Adoption (DH2A) methodology across your entire organization.
I recommend "Design for Hybrid Agile Adoption" DH2A and hope you find it as valuable as I, in achieving every increasing success and results.
About the Author
 | Steven Bonacorsi, International Standard for Lean Six Sigma 47 Seasons Lane Londonderry, NH 03053 603-401-7047
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